Chicken House Design Of 15000 Birds

Here is a chicken house design proposal for a poultry house to raise 15,000 laying hens using H-type battery cages.

Chicken House Design Of 15000 Layers

Here is a chicken house design proposal for a poultry house to raise 15,000 laying hens using H-type battery cages.

Poultry House Design Proposal:

Dimensions: 80 x 103 m

Layer Battery Cage System:

  • 15,000 laying hens housed in H-type battery cages
  • 3-tier cage system
  • 2 doors per cage unit
  • Each H-type cage unit can accommodate 15,000 laying hens

Automation Equipment:

  • Automatic feeding system
  • Automatic manure cleaning system
  • Automatic egg collection system
  • Environmental control system

This chicken house design, provided by Livi Machinery, will enable the poultry farmer to efficiently raise 15,000 laying hens using the H-type battery cage system. The automation equipment will streamline operations and optimize production.