
120,000 Layers and Broilers Poultry Cages for Sale in Nigeria

Livi Machinery is proud to announce the sale of a comprehensive set of 120000 layers and broilers poultry cages for sale in Nigeria to a prominent chicken farmer.

Pakistan Customers Explore Livi Chicken Raising Equipment

Livi Machinery, a leading poultry farm equipment supplier, recently had the honor of hosting a delegation of esteemed customers from Pakistan to explore Livi Chicken Raising Equipment.


Chicken Farm For Sale in Malaysia 200000 Layers Chicken Cage

With the chicken farm for sale in Malaysia, capable of accommodating a staggering 200,000 egg-laying hens, Livi Machinery has propelled the farm into the realm of fully automated poultry production.


Our Transportation Service Of Chicken Raising Equipment

Livi Machinery stands as a reliable partner, not only in supplying cutting-edge chicken raising equipment but also in offering comprehensive transportation solutions to farmers worldwide.

We offer professional, economical and practical soultion.