Chicken House Design Of 20000 Layers And Chicks

This chicken house design proposal outlines a poultry farming plan for a farm owner in Zambia, focusing on the accommodation and rearing of 12,480 layers (egg-laying hens) and 10,400 chicks in five chicken houses.

Location: Zambia


This chicken house design proposal outlines a poultry farming plan for a farm owner in Zambia, focusing on the accommodation and rearing of 12,480 layers (egg-laying hens) and 10,400 chicks in five chicken houses. Each chicken house measures 30 meters by 10 meters. The layout and equipment details for both the layers and the chicks are specified to ensure optimal production.

Chicken Houses Breakdown

Total Chicken Houses: 5

Chicken House Dimensions: 30m x 10m

Egg-Laying Hens (Layers)

Number of Houses for Layers: 3

Total Layers: 12,480 layers

Number of Layers per House: 4,160

Number of Layer Cages per House: 26 sets

Total Layer Cages: 78 sets

Layer Cage Type: A-type layer cage

Cage Specifications: 1950mm x 450mm x 410mm

Layers per Cage: 160 chickens

Cage Configuration: 4 tiers, 5 doors

Details of Layer Cages:
Each A-type layer cage measures 1950mm in length, 450mm in width, and 410mm in height. With four tiers and five doors, each cage can house up to 160 layers, facilitating efficient space utilization and easy management.

Chicks (Brooders)

Number of Houses for Chicks: 2

Total Chicks: 10,400

Number of Chicks per House: 5,200

Number of Chick Cages per House: 26

Total Chick Cages: 52

Chick Cage Type: A-type chick cage

Cage Specifications: 1950mm x 500mm x 350mm

Chicks per Cage: 200

Cage Configuration: 4 tiers, 3 doors

Details of Chick Cages:
Each A-type chick cage measures 1950mm in length, 500mm in width, and 350mm in height. With four tiers and three doors, each cage can house up to 200 chicks, providing a conducive environment for chick rearing.

chicken battery cage


Total Chickens (Layers and Chicks): 22,880 birds

Total Chicken Houses: 5

Layer Houses: 3

Chick Houses: 2

Total Cages:

For Layers: 78 sets

For Chicks: 52 sets

This chicken house design ensures an efficient and organized poultry farm capable of housing a large number of layers and chicks while optimizing space and resources. The use of A-type cages for both layers and chicks guarantees high-density stocking and ease of management, fostering a productive farming operation in Zambia.

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